So now lets back to the business.. Forget the crap about last post. That's just about a commercial break done for someone else.. Lolx.. In this chapter, we gonna learn about how bullets work either for gun, machine gun, or other types of firearms.. First of all , we need to know what is explosion as the main cause of ballistic movement were related to fire and explosion.
Well I'm sorry to say that i can get any citation at the following notes because it comes from my lecture. A credited to Dr. Rafiziana Md. Kasmani by providing some of the following lecture:
What is Explosion:
A sudden chemical explosion of a flammable material (in this case, we use gunpowder) with oxygen action which causes a sudden a sudden formation of a great volume of expanded gas and release of high energy.
A sudden chemical explosion of a flammable material (in this case, we use gunpowder) with oxygen action which causes a sudden a sudden formation of a great volume of expanded gas and release of high energy.
Early Concept of Ballistic:
You apply explosive pressure behind a projectile to launch it down a barrel. The earliest, and simplest, application of this idea is the cannon.
You apply explosive pressure behind a projectile to launch it down a barrel. The earliest, and simplest, application of this idea is the cannon.
Example: The Flintlock Cannon:
When you ignite [A] gunpowder [C], it burns rapidly, producing a lot of hot gas in the process. The hot gas applies much greater pressure on the powder side of the cannonball [B] than the air in the atmosphere applies on the other side. This propels the cannonball out of the gun at high speed. Now let's take a look the inside of the bullet catridge:
When you ignite [A] gunpowder [C], it burns rapidly, producing a lot of hot gas in the process. The hot gas applies much greater pressure on the powder side of the cannonball [B] than the air in the atmosphere applies on the other side. This propels the cannonball out of the gun at high speed. Now let's take a look the inside of the bullet catridge:
Ballistic Background: The Cartridge
Simply put, cartridges are a combination of a projectile (the bullet), a propellant (gunpowder, for example) and a primer (the explosive cap), all contained in one metal package. The primer will ignite the propellant
Simply put, cartridges are a combination of a projectile (the bullet), a propellant (gunpowder, for example) and a primer (the explosive cap), all contained in one metal package. The primer will ignite the propellant

We going to see how the explosion occur in a firearm. In example, we'll see how revolver works.
Click on the trigger to see how the revolver fires.
This gun has a revolving cylinder, with six breeches for six cartridges. When you pull the trigger on a revolver, several things happen:
- Initially, the trigger lever pushes the hammer backward.
- As it moves backward, the hammer compresses a metal spring in the gun stock (the handle).
- At the same time, the trigger rotates the cylinder so the next breech chamber is positioned in front of the gun barrel.
- When you pull the trigger all the way back, the lever releases the hammer.
- The compressed spring drives the hammer forward.
- The hammer slams into the primer at the back of the cartridge, igniting the primer.
- The primer sets off the propellent. (Explosion Occur Here)
- The exploding propellent drives the bullet out of the gun at high speed.
The inside of the barrel has a spiral groove cut into it, which serves to spin the bullet as it exits the gun. This gives the bullet better stability as it flies through the air, increasing accuracy.
When the propellant explodes, the cartridge case expands. The case temporarily seals the breech, so all the expanding gas pushes forward rather than backward.
A sudden formation of combustion from propellent caused the bullet to explode and exits the gun by the ignition at primer of the catridge. Well that is only a few info on how the ballistic works in which relate to my study of combustion and explosion. More to come after this is on how the grenade works.
- Tom Harris, Contributing Writer (
Tom Harris holds a B.A. in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Dr. Rafiziana Md. Kasmani (B.Eng (Chem.Eng)(UTM), M.Sc. (Fire & Explosion Eng.), (Leeds)PhD.)
wow! this is really good review man! keep on posting such a doc! to techy for me, but once the bullet pass over your head, all that info will fly right out of the window! :)
huhu.. thx a lot bro.. but that was just a few info that i extract it from the internet.. next time i'm gonna teach some of the military war tactics.. just wait until i finished that military study.. lolx =)
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